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It's a shame that a page like this is even needed, but it is the ethos of the Modern Era to get incredibly offended at any slight, particularly at opinions and commentary found drifting in the aether. So, in the interest of forestalling at least a few fits of apoplectic rage, and also to give a bit of background for some topics that seem to be extremely sensitive I give unto you (again, in no particular order) the following regarding religions, politics, terminology and the like.

What is presented here is mostly more a personal background for understanding my positions and approach in general rather than information directly related to the Tree 528 and the praxis around that. Things that are not necessary to the magick, but are somewhat correlated or at least adjacent. Things like why I end up picking on Christians, or why I am a process oriented animist with a thin veneer of Kabbalistic gnosis, or why I think the Psychological model and Belief Skipping is basically solipsitic masturbation (which still can be quite helpful!). And venting. This is a good place for me to vent. Think of it as my Shadow Work, regurgitated in word form for you to witness....