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"Remember, When In Doubt About How to Proceed, Look for the Spinning Goat Head!"

July 2, 2023. Part 6 of the Tree 528 series is live! What is Evil? How do we fit in to this nefarious plan? Sophia! Did a little bit of clean up here and there, added some more glossary entries.

June 24, 2023. New installment of the Tree 528 series!

June 21, 2023. Happy Solstice! The site is officially live now! I have added a ton of new stuff with much much more to come!

April 24th, 2023. At long sweeet last I can rededicate myself to this site! My busy time fighting the Empire is over! I have finished the Number Home, added a few numbers to the Number List, figured out how to deal with the Letter pages and in theory, the Sephiroth pages, and finished essays for Aleph and Kaph! Today is a good day....

March 20th, 2023 - the Vernal Equinox. My busiest time of the year unfrotunately so all I have updated is 320 (3/20 for those of us bemired in the American aegis) and 203(20/3 for the rest of the Gregorian using world, get it?).

February 18th, 2023. I have been adding things here and there, though have slowed down a wee due to having to make money in the mundane world. What can you do? Nonetheless I do keep plugging at it. I very much appreciate whomever is coming and looking at things... WE KNOW YOU ARE OUT THERE.

February 9, 2023. Added a few numbers, trying a new idea out for the main letter/sephiroth pages. I do apologize for being slightly intermittant - the exigencies of life and all that. Very gratified that at least someone is looking a tthe site. Please do feel free to reach out...

January 21, 2023. Added a new article and some new numbers! Slowly but surely this will grow! Much heartened. As always - if you have any sugestions or comments feel free to reach out! Azazel@Baphometrics.com

January 11,2023 - 1/11 (or 11/1 if you are not in the US). 111 is the number of ALP Aleph the letter of letters, the one. The value of SPIRH a singular Sephira, emanation of the Universe.

I finished an Article! I know it's just one, but it is done. I do actually believe eventually all of this prep work and making sure of how things connect is going to pay off. Things do seem to work, though formatting is extremely labor intensive.

Thanks to all who have come and checked things out in this formative stage - please feel free to contact me and let me know what you think. Hopefully you have found the Contact page. If not, click things. Baphomet won't bite.

December 30, 2022. New Years' Eve Eve.

Fixed some basic bugs and streamlined a few processes especially with the Number List. Added a few of the big ones to demonstrate how the whole thing is supposed to work. Turns out, entering content is exceedingly time consuming! Nonetheless, the current plan is to keep plugging away at the sort of back-ground reference like the NL and G-I (check out my fancy acronyms) so that when I start plugging in actual Articles, the whole thing should make sense. I also started adding some Easter Eggs! Hmm.. well not Easter Eggs per se... what would be an appropriately Kabbalistic cognate... Afikomen! That's it! I started adding some Afikomen for those with eyes that see, and ears that hear and all that.

Technically hidden pieces of Matzoh might not be quite as festive as a dyed fertility symbol, but what can you do? At least the Passover story is one big running Wizard Battle, so it is at least on point...

December 21, 2022. The Winter Solstice.

I put the site online! It's really only a dry run so far as I haven't technically added much content. But heck, you knew that! Cuz your here. Right now. Reading this...