
Still reading the Zohar, but came across an Einstein quote about when asked if he believed in God, her replied that he believed in the God of Spinoza. Baruch Spinoza 1632 – 1677 was a leading philosopher of the Rationalist movement, contemporary with Descartes (and Sabbatai Tzevi). He was a Sephardic Jew from Holland, though Zooooohar

Bear Shit

12/22/2020 A thought in the shower: In the original four, pre-creation sephiroth of the Baphometric system, Chokmah and Binah serve to delineate the Ein Sof – two slices of nothingness that allow the definition of one. Daath of course is the “who” doing the decisions. More Thoughts: The supernal intersection – that of Shin and Bear Shit


THE SCIENCE OF THE TREE 528 12/21/2020 Winter Solstice Need to research Edomite Religion. Apparently they worshipped an earlier Semitic God names QVS. קוס. QVS = 166 same as AaLVN the most high, which is the sum of the Baphometric values of Kether and Malkuth. In full 318. 166 also = MLAK TVS The Peacock Baphometrics