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How To Use This Site

As the glyph of the Baphometric Tree is a symbol of the intrinsic unity and interconnectedness of an everchanging and infinitely complex universe, all information contained within the site is also interconnected and accessible from basically anywhere and everywhere by means of extensive internal linkages and customized control panels, hopefully presented in a somehwat intuitive, usable manner.

Conceptual Organization

All information-bearing pages on this site are referred to as "Articles". Each Article is either an essay, a reference item of some sort, or a page used to access other Articles in a meaningful manner.

Articles are organized into three main Divisions: Number, Letter and The Tree. This structure is loosely based on the threefold division alluded to at the end of the first stanza of the Sefer Yetzirah, "... and it creates the Universe with three Books: by Number, by Letter and by Speech."

The Divisions are somewhat arbitrary (as what isn't in this crazy, mixed-up calliope we call home?), but as Number and Letter Mysticism is central to the understanding of The Tree and its Kabbalah, it seemed apropos. These Divisions and associated links are helpfully color coordinated: Green for Number, Red for Letter, and Yellow for The Tree.

Each Division has it's own Home Page containing Articles relevant to that Division and a specialized Access Page.

The Access Pages are:

Structural Organization

The layout of the site is threefold: a top Header with navigation menus, a Content Frame which is used to display Articles and Access Pages, and a bottom Footer containing the control panel to manipulate the information in the Content Frame.

The Header consists of:

The Content Frame. Links within the Content Frame are contextual. They will either take you to a different spot within your current page or open a new page within the Frame. On extremely rare occasions, or on specific pages like the Bibliography, there will be an external link. External links will always open in a new Tab or Window.

The Footer. This can be accessed through the floating question mark at the bottom right corner of the screen. The Footer holds the controls for manipulating and accessing the information conatined in Articles and Access Pages that are displayed in the Content Frame. For the most part, but not always, the controls will be applicable only to Access Pages. If a contol doesn't apply to the page in question you can click away to your hearts' content, but it won't do anything. However not everything is immediately apparent.

Genetic Organization

Baphometrics.com is a work in progress and always will be a work in progress. Much care has been taken to prepare the ground and plant the seed that will grow to become a Tree in its own right, but as the site develops I anticipate new and organic structures to form and self-organize. Even while composing this page, a new methodology of accessing specific Articles occured to me. Not all that is, is apparent from the beginning, and sometimes may only be understood from within, or from an entirely different point of view.